Research: Review/Opinion papers

Key Review Papers

If you want to learn more about our work, these papers are a good place to start.

All Review Papers

This early paper advocates the use of individual-subject analyses in language research.


This opinion piece highlights the point that the language network is a functionally integrated system and should be considered as such both when theorizing about it and empirically examining its properties.


This review summarizes the evidence for the dissociation between language and thought based on both brain imaging studies and investigations of patients with severe damage to the language system (which results in global aphasia).


This review summarizes the evidence for a dissociation between the language network and the domain-general Multiple Demand / cognitive control network; it focuses on “Broca’s area”, but discusses the two networks more broadly as well.


This review summarizes the evidence for local implementation of linguistic computations. Although language draws on computations that are general in nature (like structure building and prediction) and likely used for information processing in other domains (e.g., music, visual processing), these computations are implemented in the brain areas that store domain-specific knowledge representations (cf. in hubs that multiple domains draw on).


This piece provides a brief history of individual-subject analyses in human cognitive neuroscience, and discusses their advantages over the group-averaging approach.